
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

History of Thiruvananthapuram

Thiruvananthapuram, earlier known as Trivandrum, is the capital city of Kerala. The name literally splits into "Tiru","Anantha""puram" meaning "the town of Lord ANANTHA". This is really true since the temple is at the heart of the town and for generations, the kings have called themselves "Padmanabha-Dasa" or the "servants of LORD Ananthapadmanabha", and ruled the state as the representatives of LORD Anantha-Padmanabha.

The town has a history of supporting fine art and culture. The Kings of Tiruvancore (Thirunals as they are known) have not only promoted art but have themselves been accomplished artists. The most famous of them are Swathi Tirunal who is a well known composer in both Karnatak and Hindustani systems of music, and Raja Ravi Varma the internationally acclaimed painter, well known for inventing paints using natural materials.

The town bustles with activity during Navaratri, when music festivals are held in the Sri Padmanabha Swamy Temple. Unique in its style, the temple combines the Chola and Chera styles and is large enough to conduct processions within the temple. There is a separate quandrangle for dancers, where even the pillars are tuned and reverberate to different notes! Anantha-Padmanabha in reclined posture is a large statue, which needs to be viewed from three separate doors.

Museum is an important and unique building which houses several artifacts and rare musical instruments used in yesteryears. Within the museum complex is the Chitra Art gallary which houses Raja Ravi Varma's most famous paintings. It also brings to light the unique history of Travancore state, where education was given prominence. Another full length painting captures the mood of temple entry act of 1932 when untouchables were allowed into the Padmanabha temple. Their disbelief, reverence to the LORD are brought out well.

During the beginning of this century, the state had a statesman Diwan called Sir.C.P.Ramaswamy Iyer, who made women's education compulsory and free. He also allocated 15% of the state budget to education, laying the foundation for 100% literacy, which Kerala achieved a few years ago. Petty shop owners were heavily fined if their customers spilled garbage (banana skins etc) into the streets. This is reflected even today, all the shops carry a tin case as refuse bin to keep their city clean!

Extensive backwaters provide plenty of water resouce for all. People in fact are in the habit of bathing thrice a day and are well known for their good personal hygene. At the southern edge of the city is the internationally known Kovalam beach, which has the picturesque view of a paradise. Except for the monsoon season (June-Sept) the beach is a good place to swim and surf, due to it blue, shallow, waters. Specially designed cottages to catch the best of surf and sun make it an excellent summer resort with sauna, yoga and other health clubs provided during the season.

At the northern edge of the city is the space centre where India began its space program in a disused church. Visitors to this city can view launching of sounding rockets on wednesday evenings. These rockets, launched for conducting physics experiments, have been a regular feature for years now. Located on the magnetic equator, the data from the equitorial electrojet at about 70 kms altitude has particular importance to meteorology.

A city of tradition and space technology, Thiruvananthapuram truly represents the contrasts India is well known for. Being the capital of a state which boasts 100% literacy, it is both clean and environmentally conscious. Ayurveda - the Indian system of medicine (extensive use of herbs and roots), is well supported in this state. Doctors practicing this school of medicine have kept alive their generations of knowledge. Today they are supported by the University which conducts undergrad, graduate and research courses in the field of Ayurveda. With valuable help from this Dhanvantari (Doctor) traditions an Ayurvedic pharmacopia exists today and standardized medicines are marketed in India and abroad.

The city is home to one of India's best known architects Mr.Larie W.Baker. This octogenerian architect has built some of the most beautiful residential and public buildings here using his low-cost techniques using local materials and traditions. One of his widely known public buildings is the Centre for Economic development, which was built ECONOMICALLY by Baker. His own home in Nalanchira, often attracts visitors. Although he has been decorated by the Govt of India (Padmabhushan) and the British Queen (Honours list) he continues to be a simple but radical person. He has lived here for decades, helping people build beautiful houses/churches/public buildings at an unimaginably low cost.

Story of Vali

In the Hindu epic Ramayana, the vanara Vali (Sanskrit: वाली, Malay: Subali, Thai: Pali Thirat) was king of Kishkindha, a son of Indra and the elder brother of Sugriva. He was killed by Rama, an avatar of Vishnu.

He was famous for the boon that he had received, according to which anyone who came before him lost half his/her strength to Vali, thereby making Vali invulnerable to any enemy. Once Ravana called Vali for a fight when vali was doing his regular shiva puja. He took Ravana in his tail and took around all worlds. Humbled, Ravana called for a truce.

Vali had been known as a good and pious vanara-king, but had been too outraged to listen to his brother Sugriva after his brother had sealed the entrance to a cave in which Vali was fighting a rakshasa. Sugriva had mistaken the blood flowing out of the cave to be his brother's, blocked the entrance to the cave with a boulder and left for Kishkindha, assuming that his brother was dead. When Vali had emerged victorious over the rakshasa, he had found that the entrance to the cave was blocked (not a problem for his strength), and had then discovered Sugriva ruling in his place.

An enraged Vali also learned that Sugriva had married his "widowed" wife. Sugriva tried to explain the situation to Vali, but Vali would not listen. Vali banished Sugriva from the kingdom, and held the latter's wife captive in his own palace. Sugriva fled into the forest, where he met and formed an alliance with Rama. Rama had been travelling the length of India in search of his kidnapped wife, Sita. Sugriva asked Rama's help in return for his help in defeating Ravana and rescuing Sita. The two hatched a plan to topple Vali from the throne. Sugriva challenged Vali to a fight. When Vali sallied forth to meet the challenge, Rama emerged from the forest to shoot and kill him with an arrow. Thus, Sugriva was able to recapture the kingdom and to lead the monkey army in the service of Rama.

Rama's slaying of Vali had a special significance.At the beginning Vali argued with Lord Rama, why he had to kill him this way.Rama explained to him about the various purusharthas and showed him his Vishvarupa, and granted him moksha.Vali was then convinced and also asked his son Angada to stand by his uncle Sugriva and assist in the divine work of lord Rama.

Vali's son, Angada, joined Sri Ram's army and was given important responsibilities in Rama's war against Ravana.

Vali was the son of indra.The king of gods.

Floating Stone

Yes, it is a stone floating in the water.

It is brought from 'Rama Setu'.
It is a bridge, built by Rama's army of monkeys across the sea,
under the leadership of Hanuman(Monkey-God)
and under the engineering supervision of Nala.
Nala, the engineer, was also a monkey !
He was the son of 'Visvakarma', the engineer of Gods in the heaven.
The name of "Rama" written on the stones with which the bridge was built, made them float in the water of the sea according to a story !!!

This stone is kept for exhibition in the temple of Hanuman, Kasapuram (previously Nettekallu).
The temple is about 5km. away from Guntakal railway junction, Anantpur District, Andhrapradesh, INDIA.


Around 1000 Orang-Utans are being killed each year so that their babies can be traded as pets, leaving the primate species on the brink of survival - WWF

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Zoo enclosure is saddest place on earth for elephant

MUMBAI: Animal experts have stated that continuously teasing zoo animals, especially large animals like elephants, and trespassing into their territories are the main provocations that cause the animals to react, sometimes fatally.

The secretary of the Bombay Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BSPCA), Lt Colonel (Retd) J C Khanna, told TOI, “There is not adequate discipline among the visitors at the Mumbai zoo. They generally tease the animals. But what is more shocking about Sunday’s incident is that a stranger somehow managed to stray into the elephants’ enclosure. The elephants can see this as a major threat.’’

Khanna added that if one is not familiar with large, emotional animals like elephants, one must never violate their space, leave alone trespass into their enclosures. It could be met with a sharp, deadly reaction from the large animals, he said.

“I believe that the mahouts were not present at the time of the incident, and there is not even a proper notice or warning at the zoo to stop people from getting too close to the elephants,’’ he said. “Even in the case of a horse, a stranger must always approach it from the left, and not from behind or the right. Otherwise, even horses tend to attack a stranger coming close to them.’’

Anuradha Sawhney, the former chief of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta India), who is now a member of Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI), said, “A study by the London-based Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) clearly indicates that all elephants slowly go mad due to being held in captivity for years. As an animal activist, I believe that no animal, big or small, must be kept in cages or enclosures as it is very stressful and painful for them.’’

“Elephants are very moody and emotional animals. Only a smart handler will know what can badly irk or provoke elephants, who are naturally found roaming freely in forests in big communities or herds. So a zoo enclosure is the saddest place on earth for elephants,’’ said Sawhney.

Most animal experts said that each captive elephant needs to be bathed with 1,000 litres of water a day, especially during hot weather, and must be fed twice daily. “Any daily need of an elephant that is not met can make them irritable and sometimes dangerous. But from what I gathered from Sunday’s incident, the trespasser not only entered the elephant’s enclosure, but also opened a shed. This is major provocation,’’ said Khanna.

Source: Times Of India

Friday, May 21, 2010